Sunday roast

But the six weeks I was working a full-time job in the boonies, my diet was reduced to not much through sheer laziness. A brioche loaf got a lot of mileage. As well as canned soup and salmon spread on crackers. And cups of Bovril.
I know, I know, I should be ashamed of myself. Eating healthily fights off colds, gives your skin a warm glow, improves your mood. I skipped all that and then filled up on chocolate bars and cookies in between meals because I was weak with hunger. It's a wonder I'm not the size of a house. Especially because I stopped going to the gym because of my exhausting 1-hour+ extravaganza journey home.
Tonight, however, I excelled myself by becoming a gastronomical wonder. I made a roast beef with roast potatoes, vegetables, Yorkshire pudding and gravy. And all from scratch!
I am still in shock. It was absolutely delicious. A proper English roast with all the trimmings. And I made it!
I even did the washing up.
How about that for a Sunday evening?
How aBOUT that! ;)
Congratulations! I think I might have moved once or twice this evening but I don't really remember and don't have the energy to try and think about it.
Oh, wait, I know I moved at least once, I'm out of Diet Coke.
How about that for a Sunday evening?
Sounds perfect! How about the 25th?
gosh that sounds delicious! my mouth just started watering! i think i need to go and make myself something to eat now.... mmmm food....
Ooh goodness, you've certainly put me to shame! I swear I'm on a quick path to diabetes..
(btw, I had to evacuate -- this is fille franglaise ;) )
Damn you! I am sitting at work having a lunchless lunchbreak - as ever - and reading about food. I'm afraid I may even have drooled all over the keyboard!
Ed R - My ever-faithful fan! Stick your dentures in a glass of Coke overnight and see what happens.
Cliff - I know March 25 is Passion Sunday, the beginning of Passion week, but does that mean people traditionally cook up a roast?
JALG - I had the leftovers last night. Just as delicious as Sunday.
gb - Don't worry, I have a sweet tooth too. It's uncontrollable. I can't have anything sweet in the house or else I'll devour it in one sitting.
Ariel - Wipe your keyboard clean with your sleeve and control yourself girl!
Yum!!! Sounds like your tastebuds went on a trip to heaven. l love yorkshire pudding l was introduced to it by an english friend years ago.
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