As free as a bird

I recently took on a full-time job. As regular readers will know, this involved a 1-hour+ extravaganza journey that sometimes included the walk of death in -30 temperatures.
I was seduced by money, benefits and stability. There, I admit it. But almost immediately my spirit started to wither.
I've done the office thing long enough in the past to know that I am not and never will be an office girl. I can't deal with it. Having to fit the mould. Having to be at the office all day, even when you've finished your work. Having your copy pulled apart and re-written. After all, anyone can write, right?
Such is a copywriter's lot. Yes, you have to take criticism, that's all part of the job. But hell, at the end of the day, it's all so subjective. Everyone's got their own ideas. And that's when egos get in the way.
So I did a month and gave in my notice. Some people think I'm crazy. Some people think I made a decision too fast. But what I know is this - I felt like I was suffocating, like I was being contained. This was probably all in my head, but nonetheless it was there. I had to get out.
So I'm back to freelancing. No financial stability, no benefits, no knowing how much money will be coming in and when. But my spirit can breathe again. It feels good. It feels liberating. I have a smile on my face.
I don't think I could do anything else. This writing lark is the only thing I know how to do. But it has to be on my terms. And those terms are at my pace and when I'm inspired. It's not necessarily between 9 and 5, sometimes it's not necessarily on a week day. It just happens. And when it does, it feels great.
I am proud of you!!! my mum went throught the same thing but she worked in an office for 12 years before cutting loose. you did what was best for you. and you are the most important person in your life! so good for you!!!! stay true to yourself!!! xxx
Good on you! l have been seduced with $$ things too. As soon as l step into an office l feel my breath escaping my lungs. l know that boxed in feeling too well. $$ may feed my ego but not my spirit. Anyway freelance is the NEW way to work even though its been around for ages. More and more people are breaking free from the 9-5 shackles! Live your life on your terms.
You've got guts! I know exactly what you mean and how you feel. I have recently had to take a deadly dull non-descript desk job that is not even remotely in my field and doesn't call for any brain cells because... I needed to eat. I resisted and held out for as long as I could, surviving on odd assignments and my credit card, until the credit card was maxed out and I had no choice but to pimp myself to the first willing employer. I feel thwarted, trapped, wasted and my heart breaks the minute I walk through the door in the morning.
You are SO my hero.
Once you're freelance it becomes almost impossble to return to the restriction of being employed. I tried it once, and left my one year contract after five months. You have to go with what feels right.. You made the right decision.
Thanks for all the encouragement. I've picked up where I left off as a freelancer. And it feels great!
Ariel - welcome. Your situation sounds absolutely terrible, worst than mine was. I feel for you.
Ed R - welcome back. I was worried for a second there. I thought you'd deserted me.
Not me. I've been busy with some other stuff. But always had you in mind;)
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