Too much of a good thing

Why oh why oh why? I know that stuff goes straight to my hips. I also know I’m not going to the gym over the holidays. Then why? All I can think of is that it feels good. Like something naughty you shouldn’t be doing. But you’re indulging anyway. And oh I indulged.
But isn’t that what Christmas is all about? Of course, of course, it’s the day baby Jesus was born. But isn’t it assumed we celebrate by eating, drinking and making merry? Sitting around with the family watching tele just wouldn't be the same without a bloody Mary – excuse the pun - and a plate of mince pies.
Alka Seltzer anyone?
Double-dose of Nyquiioll for me, please. Oh, and can you run by the pharmacy and pick up my prescription? WHile you're out, have a new battery put in the truck, there's a good girl.
Ow! No fair throwing things when I'm sick, I can't get out of the way!
After throwing a number of plates aimed at your head, I would glance at your prescription and feel better enough to reply sweetly:
"How many times do I have to tell you that NyQuil is for nighttime only? You know it makes you nod off. Now wipe that gozz off your chin and make me some dinner, there's a dear. I'll be back with your suppositories in 20 minutes."
Wow. Suppositories for Pneumonia? What will they think of next?;)
Lasagna's in the oven, it ought to be ready in half an hour, have a glass of vino and relax on the couch a bit, eh? I hope you like it!
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