That takes the biscuit

So much so that I feel strongly that I should found Cookie Addiction Anonymous. Consider this the first CAA meeting. Don't be shy. No one is here to judge. To put you at ease, let me go first.
Hello. My name is Day in Bed and I'm obsessed with cookies.
Welcome Day in Bed!
I don't know what's wrong with me. It's like I can't help myself. I can't just have one and forget about the others sitting in the cupboard. No, I have to eat them all, until there's none left.
I'll eat rich tea biscuits, not one or two but 10 at a time, with every cup of tea. And I drink a lot of tea. Luxurious school boy cookies, a whole box at a time. Chips ahoy, as many as I can cram into my mouth simultaneously.
Then there's the homemade cookies that my boyfriend has been making on a weekly basis: Ginger bread men, I'll eat six or seven in one sitting, even if they've only got one eye. Butter cookies, they're just alright, but I'll have three or four while I'm at it. And delight of delights, oatmeal (healthy) cookies with butterscotch chips (not so healthy). And the latest cookies of choice, chocolate oatmeal cookies. In the last week we've had two batches of those. Yesterday I ate eight. And they are, or rather were, enormous.
But I don't stop at cookies. I also love cake. And apple crumble and ice cream. And raisin bread. And chocolate. Cote d'or chocolate. And gummi bears. And fantasy belts. For those who think I have veered off on a sexual tangent, this is what I mean:

But enough about me.
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