Sunday, December 17, 2006

The long and short of it

I was sitting on the bus this weekend when a girl got on and stood near me. She was wearing a skirt so short that it was practically a belt. I was making sure my boyfriend wasn't ogling her. But mostly I caught the retort she made to her boyfriend after asking the bus driver a question and apparently being misunderstood.

"God, if you're going to move to this country, you should make sure you speak French."

Er, I think you meant province. And why are you speaking to an anglophone bus driver in French when you're an anglophone yourself?

I wanted to slap her because the bus driver probably had a PhD in economics. And why couldn't he not speak French? It's his right. This is Canada after all. Of course my hardcore pro-Quebec friend would have a fit that I could say such a thing. But it's true.

I should have done something. Or at least looked her skirt up and down, all 5 cm of it. But I was too much of a chicken. So I rested my head on my boyfriend's shoulder and fell asleep.


Blogger Momo said...

I really understand that part when you say that the driver probabily would have a PhD in economics and he seem not to understand what the girl told him...I have friends with at least an university degree they emigrated to canada- montreal (it is easier in the french side) and they talk about this kind of shit- language...although they know well english still have problems with french...They chose this path of emigration in order to achieve a better live, more fulfilment.For plenty of them it is so hard to equalize their studies and end up working as "bus drivers" for instance...

December 19, 2006 at 4:09 PM  
Blogger Day in bed said...

Absolutely Momo. There are so many taxi drivers in particular that are over-qualified, but their diplomas from their home countries mean nothing. When I hear people being rude to them I just want to scream.

December 19, 2006 at 6:31 PM  
Blogger Momo said...

It means so much to me that you feel like "screaming"...I appreciate that attitude!If it wasn't my fiancee's dental office here in Romania we would took this path of emigration too with all that crap!

December 20, 2006 at 8:18 AM  

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